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 eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.

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3 participants


Nombre de messages : 296
Age : 38
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2006

eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. Empty
MessageSujet: eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.   eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. EmptyJeu 21 Sep - 21:20

voici un lien un conseil jetez un coup d'oeil c'est pas mal

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eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.   eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. EmptyVen 22 Sep - 16:39

mdr c tro kkon
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Nombre de messages : 1471
Age : 38
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 29/03/2006

eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.   eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. EmptyVen 22 Sep - 20:06

Ouais c'est pas mal, c'est bien fait, mais j'aime pas qu'on se moque d'Eva Evil or Very Mad
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eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.   eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. EmptyVen 22 Sep - 20:57

Faithy a écrit:
Ouais c'est pas mal, c'est bien fait, mais j'aime pas qu'on se moque d'Eva Evil or Very Mad

IL est ou que je lui mette des grosses calotes ! Twisted Evil
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eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.   eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. EmptySam 23 Sep - 0:34

lol chui sur que c'est marrant si seulement je comprenais xD
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eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.   eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. EmptySam 23 Sep - 10:29

moi aussi je comprend pas l'anglais Sad mais bon!!
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eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.   eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. EmptySam 23 Sep - 12:34

moi aussi, je n'ai pas compris.... Rolling Eyes mais, j' aime pas se moquer à eva.... c'est ça!!! Evil or Very Mad
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Nombre de messages : 164
Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2007

eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.   eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker. EmptyMar 24 Juil - 1:29

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eva longoria tells her bff's all about sex with tony parker.
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